The complete Rules of the Road package including COLREGS booklet and Skipper's Pocketbook normally sells for
This new software package deals with Ship Stability for the Mates/Masters (Class 2/1) Scotvec Ship Stability written papers. The CD ROM recaps on key elements of the OOW syllabus and builds on that in ...
Assists Senior Engineering Officers includes bunkering calculations. engine running hours and performance ISM code forms and weekly safety checks.
This program calculates the user's position by means of stars observations. A nautical almanac is not required. The user enters only his estimated position and sextant altitudes of stars planets sun ...
The class 2 Engineering Examiner is designed as a study aid for officers taking their class 2 STCW 95 motor certificate of competency.
Sailing Software for training in Collision Regulations and IRPCS. The package includes:Interactive CD Rom Skipper's PocketbookCollision Regulations Booklet